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Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade)

The Student Ministry here at FBC Chiefland exists to be Transformed by God, Transform our community, and Transform the world!

-Romans 12:2

Weekly Events 

Bible Studies For Life - Sunday @ 9:30 am

Where the Bible meets your life. We meet Sunday mornings upstairs in the student suite. This Bible study is designed to help you know Christ, connect with students your age (Middle & High School), and become a contributing servant in the church body as a whole. The Bible studies will also help strengthen your family by equipping your parents to have spiritual conversations about what you are learning. Please join us, and we look forward to ministering to you and your family. 


Small Group Discipleship - Sunday Evening @ 6:00 pm

Small group discipleship is designed to help you become spiritually transformed with a Bible study that speaks to the issues that you face. Do you prefer to study with just dudes? There are studies for you. Are you a young lady who prefers to study with other girls your age? We have those too. These studies last anywhere between 6-8 weeks at a time, and some are video-driven. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday evenings in the student suite!

Wednesday Night Worship @ 6:30 p.m.

A large group worship time which blends games, music, & relative Bible lessons to teenagers. Join us in the Student Suite!  



Upcoming Events!



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